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Posts tagged “tony savoie

Opening Reception: Scott Brooks


So I attended the opening reception for Scott Brooks solo exhibit ‘We the People’ at Long View Gallery last Friday. It was GREAT! Had so much fun, great art, great company and a fabulous gallery. Brooks had his work hanging in the front gallery and in the back there were other artist featured, Mike Weber, Paula Crawford, Tony Savoie and some other great works. Scott Brooks himself was there and you were able to go right up to him and talk with him about his exhibit. You don’t have that opportunity with a lot of the exhibits in DC. Long View Gallery is known to focus on local artists for the benefit of having the artist be present in the gallery during openings and special viewings of their work so they can talk to viewers. I had an opportunity to talk to Scott and just like his work he was amazing, great guy. Another bonus of the opening reception was you were able to meet some of the people who the characters in his work are modeled after. You would look at them then the work they were standing by and say to your self “heyyy wait a minute, you look like the person in the painting” and in fact they were. Viewers of his work could really participate in the artwork at the opening by meeting scott and his models, I think it builds a personal connection with the painting and the viewer. Great Party! I also got access to some paintings that were not up in the show but were behind the scenes, and of course I will share them with you guys.

The party was catered by Design Cuisine, it was gorgeous. Very minimal but it fit great with the space and art. They also featured a mixology bar, they served sparkling wine with different infusions of spices, flowers, fruit and herbs. Delicious! Very cool and edgy thing to feature at a party.

Overall great party! Totally recommend attending Long Views next opening reception in November.